Sunday, May 29, 2011


Beauty is something that is going to delight the Sense Organs.
Music is beautiful and pleasant to hear.
Sweet is beautiful and tasty to eat.
Nature is beautiful to see.
Smell of a flower is pleasant.
A deep silence is beautiful to the mind.
Beauty is everywhere for the Poor,
Beauty is somewhere for the Riches,
Beauty is in nature for the Poets,
Knowledge is beauty for the Scholars,
Mother is beauty for a Child,
Beauty is nowhere for the Selfish.
A poet said, “Beauty is Skin deep”, and there is no end for such a beauty.
Beauty is in all forms of nature. Beauty recharges the mind. It gives energy and fulfillment.
Beauty has become a tool for Art, Music, Science, Technology, Entertainment, Leisure and Travel and totally Business oriented.
But for a true Yogi Beauty is within and for Gandhiji and Mother Therasa it is in Social Service.

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